Let's teach our children to smell the earth, to taste the rain, to touch the wind, to see things grow

Here at Shivom, we believe immersing young people in nature is a sacred calling. Children across urban India are increasingly distanced from the land and the practice of growing food. We would love to help your students explore the wonders and challenges of a working fruit and vegetable farm.

Field trips are for 3 hours and include a chaperoned exploration of the farm, with lessons about plant life cycles and seasons, a bug hunt, and starting your own seedling to take home. Shivom will provide drinking water and a Farmer guide.

Field trips are held every Friday from September to February (except national holidays) and must be booked in advance.


For students between the ages of 7 and 16

Group size: minimum 10, maximum 20

Fee: ₹1000 per student/teacher/chaperone

Students should wear closed-toed shoes and a cap and carry a snack and a water bottle

Farm rules:

1. Students should wear closed-toed shoes and a cap and carry a snack and a water bottle

4. We are a working organic farm. Any trash your group generates must go back with you

5. Children and adults who bring devices on their Field Trip will be composted

6. Farm trips can be rescheduled subject to availability. Cancellations are possible with 48-hour notice